Removal of papillomas at home

the girl is thinking about removing the papilloma on her back

The growths on the body that appear out of nowhere like slight warts or points on the legs and often go away without treatment are papillomas.

The causative agent of the disease - human papillomavirus (from English - human papillomavirus) - penetrates the body from the outside and is unusually widespread: up to 80% of the world's population are its carriers!

Such a high percentage can be attributed to the fact that the infection occurs through tactile contact, transmission of the virus can hardly be contained.

Not every carrier attaches importance to the disease and goes to the doctor, so removing papillomas at home is always important.

The nature of the papillomavirus

The insidious virus can be localized anywhere: on the neck, in the armpits, under the chest, on the eyelids, on the abdomen and on the genitals. In most cases, it is a benign formation. When a virus enters cell chromosomes and integrates into the nucleus, it becomes malignant.

Before starting treatment, you should consult a doctor to find out the type of virus, and then choose an acceptable method.

Who is at risk

Modern man is plagued by chronic stress, illness, and bad habits. In such difficult conditions, the immune system fails, the gates to various infections open wide, and the papillomavirus is ready to attack. The main requirements for increasing the activity of the virus:

  • severe stress;
  • Pregnancy;
  • serious illness;
  • long-term use of medication;
  • older age;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol;
  • high sexual activity without protection.

If at least one of the signs is present, papillomavirus exacerbation and unexpected skin growths are likely.

Girl after removal of the papilloma on the face

Routes of infection

Anyone can get the virus. But there are factors where infection is almost inevitable:

  • Transmission of the virus from mother to newborn;
  • unprotected sexual contact with a wearer;
  • tactile contact with the patient;
  • in the common use of household appliances;
  • Visit to the pool;
  • Entry of the virus through wounds on the skin.

The carrier of the papillomavirus can live peacefully for years without knowing its presence, enlightenment usually occurs when the immune system is weakened. Then the virus, dormant in the basal layer of the epithelium, comes to the surface and takes the form of genital warts or flattened plaques. Living with papillomas is not comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

The most effective treatment is removal. You can not just cut off the legs of papillomas or try to cut them off, you can provoke active growth and reproduction of growths that will grow into a malignant form.

At the first sign of infection, see a dermatologist or try alternative treatments.

Homemade recipes

With self-removal, only the superficial part is removed, the papilloma core is not affected. To completely destroy the virus, you should seek treatment from a dermatologist. The most popular home methods for removing growths are:

  1. Celandine. The caustic juice of the plant burns warts, the same can happen with papilloma. Two treatment methods are known: tearing off a celandine leaf, greasing the papilloma with the leaked juice and sealing it with a plaster. Relubricate once every 2 days, after a while the papilloma dries up and falls off. The second way: to make a "cocktail" out of celandine, chaga and string. Freeze it in ice cube trays and apply it to the growths 3 times a day for a few minutes.
  2. Kalanchoe pinnate is cut lengthwise, applied to papillomas, tied with a bandage and left to stand overnight.
  3. "Garlic creme". Chop the garlic and mix the resulting mass with any cream in a ratio of 1: 2. Then apply it to a piece of bandage and fix it to the growth with a plaster. Leave on for 3 hours, then wash with soap and water.
  4. Medicinal baths. Pour boiling water over half a bucket of green chestnut leaves and bring to the boil. Insist on 12 hours. Prepare a bath from the resulting broth by adding water to a comfortable temperature. The treatment lasts 2 weeks with 7 treatments every other day.
  5. Peel the onion. Mix dry peels in a glass with vinegar. Tie the jar with parchment or a thick cloth and store in the dark for 2 weeks. Remove the peel and dry it, tie it to the papillomas at night. Remove the bandage in the morning and smooth the skin with a greasy cream.
  6. Flower collection: 1 part tricolor violets, 1 part wormwood, 3 parts plantain, 2 parts clover blossoms, St. John's wort, calamus root and dill seeds. Pour boiling water over the collection to make 1 part of the collection 7 parts of boiling water. Tag insist, strain, take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
  7. Dandelion flowers Cologne. Fill a glass bottle tightly with dandelion heads. Pour in Triple Cologne and let it steep in the dark for 2 weeks. Transfer to a dark glass bottle and store in a cool, dark place. Lubricate papillomas with infusion 4-5 times a day until they disappear.

Lubricate the papillomas with egg white that will remain on the walls of the shell after you pour the egg. Collect it with a piece of bandage and apply it to the papilloma.

therapeutic bath for removing papilloma

Superstition to help

Ancient semi-mystical methods of removing papillomas have survived to this day. The most curious of them:

  1. Tie the growths with a silk thread, tuck the thread into a cut potato with a knot and hide it where no one will find it. After a while, the potato will rot and the papillomas will go away!
  2. Rub the growths with the halved potato: first one half, then the other. Put the halves together, put them in a dark place and try to forget. The skin will peel off after the potato rots.
  3. The most romantic way is by moonlight. In the late evening light of the waning moon, rub the papilloma on the surface illuminated by the moonlight, and the growth will disappear.

Such treatment methods, unusual at first sight, were practiced by healers in ancient times, and they showed a positive effect, which was corrected by repeated repetitions.

Today, carriers of the papillomavirus have a variety of medical treatments available with the help of tinctures, decoctions, and herbal juice. When choosing a method, it is recommended to consult a doctor.